
Patrick Redding of Far Cry 2 says it better than I could.

"What we need to understand is that, for example, if we want to break through the "fun" barrier -- this idea that somehow, dogmatically, we are obliged to make the player always feel like they're having stronger and stronger or more positive rewards for their actions -- I think we need to understand that that means we're talking about introducing mechanics that are not based on positive rewards. That's literally what that means.

And so, if I make a first-person shooter, and I want it to be less about fun and more about meaning, then that means I need to make sure there are mechanics in there, fundamental core mechanics of the game, that aren't just about that reward structure, about giving points to the player for hitting targets or giving some kind of boost to the player for obtaining a particular gun.

There need to be systems in place that offer not punishment but offer kind of ambiguous results that are still valid outcomes for the player, that he can still survive the experience and think about, that don't make him just immediately reload his last saved game"

-- Gamasutra Interview - 1/30/09

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